This committee consists of the current presidents of the past five recipients of Club of the Year. These clubs are not eligible for the award. Nominations will come from Central Committee members. Area Vice-Presidents may offer suggestions, but will not participate in the final selection.

Clubs that have won in the past are expected to maintain high standards, set a good example and offer help to the other clubs.

The assessment should address the description of the award: “has set an example for other clubs through innovative programs, community outreach, political influence, growth, and positive impact on its community.”

Each club can produce a year-end report that includes a checklist of objective criteria, including but not limited to:

Using the guidelines and any other things that are relevant for the year, the committee should select the top choices and present these clubs to the Council of Clubs for final selection. Preferably by the January meeting but usually no later than the February meeting, the Roosevelt dinner, where the award is presented, is usually in April/May.

The candidate clubs will be informed and be allowed to make a presentation to the Council of Clubs prior to the vote. No secret ballots. If more than 2 clubs are nominated, one must get at least 50+% to win. If no first ballot winner, top 2 will go to a second ballot.

Clubs should abide by the Conflict of Interest Disclosure rules for the Party and disclose any actual or potential material financial interest when presenting or sharing information about their club.

Club of the Year